While sharing the importance of daily Bible Reading with a group of Papua New Guinea ladies I paused to ask how many had a Bible. I was startled to see that out of approximately 50 ladies, twenty-nine said they had no Bible. There is a great need for these women to read the Bible for themselves. False doctrines abound and there is a need to know the truth that they can see for themselves. Many of them live lives that are difficult and have little emotional support. The spiritual comfort they can receive from God’s word is so vital to their lives.

Right now in Papua New Guinea it is rainy season. Because of this I have selected a Bible in Tok Pisin that has a zippered vinyl cover which will protect the Bible. The English Bible that is available is NKJV and has many songs and hymns included.

If you would like to donate to this worthy cause it would be much appreciated! I am sure we will meet other women who need a Bible. Please prayerfully consider this great need.


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