Christian Education
Although Limbe boasts numerous schools, our contacts with children in Sunday School and Good News Clubs had shown us that these children were unable to read even first grade material. This fact, along with low morale living among the youth and older adults, and corruption everywhere, impressed upon us the need for teaching young children. The burden continued to grow.
Victor and Claudine Chamberlin have served over 30 years in Haiti, Papua New Guinea, The Gambia, and Cameroon, providing administrative direction for leadership.
Their work has involved pioneering, establishing schools, doing extensive building, as well as initiating and establishing numerous self-help programs which have contributed to making the work self-supporting. Nonetheless they are merely tools to be used in the Master’s Hands, for it is, “not by might nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord.”
School Timeline
- September 1999: School is launched with five children on our veranda. Victor and “his boys” added walls, floor, doors, and windows to the 20 X 30 shed. News spread quickly that children were learning to read. Within four weeks attendance had grown to 50! Many had to be turned away.
- Year 2000: A second structure (27 X 56 two classrooms) was built. Attendance grew to 120!
- Year 2001: A third building (30 X 85). Enrollment now, 240! Many more turned away. We must, for now, use half of this space for church services.
- Year 2002: A three-story (38 X 43) construction began. Enrolment 240!
- Year 2004: Construction of a three-story building completed. Enrollment 300!
Christian Curriculum
- The Gospel is proclaimed daily
- Besides teaching the three “Rs” we endeavor to instill Christian character by stressing the SWEET BEES: Be Kind, Be loving, Be obedient, Be gentle, Be honest. (we concentrate on 60 of these Bees!)
- Lunch is provided every school day by the gifts of caring supporters.
- Children are learning to pray.
- They practice and memorize many scriptures.
- “Little Harvesters” are being produced. Some children form teams and go witnessing about the communities. They also witness to their parents. WHAT POTENTIALS!!!
You Can Help Us Make A Difference .
Reach the hurting, needy people of Cameroon with God’s Love by:

- Providing funds for the Hill-top church and Learning Center Building
- Helping equip classrooms with desks, cupboards, computers, and microscopes.
- Providing school books and supplies
- Making school lunches a continued possibility
- Giving funds for mini self-help projects for youth and for AIDS widows
- Funding for shipment of Bibles, tracts, Christian literature and school supplies
- Providing scholarships for needy, worthy school children
Every year we have to turn away many children due to lack of funds, lack of space, lack of teachers.
Cameroon School Children eating at EBM School
EBM’s School is helping 300 children find God’s Purpose for their lives!